The Iconoclast
Why We Honour Queen Victoria
Tomorrow is the 195th birthday of Her Imperial Britannic Majesty Victoria, Queen and Empress, which we celebrated with the holiday last Monday. All my youth, with the fireworks displays, it […]
It’s Not Psychology, It’s You
Leslie Mann interviews Theodore Dalrymple in the
A Little More About that Formerly-Aussie-Resident Muslim Who’s Now Dead In Syria; While the Prime Minister Wastes His Time Urging Muslims Not To Heed the Jihad Directive
As reported in the Herald-Sun, by James Dowling and Tom Minear. “Teen (it would be more accurate to say, “Young man” – 19 is old enough to vote, drink, […]
What’s Happening In Palmyra Is As If Muslim Fanatics Had Seized The Louvre
“La folie barbare de l’Etat islamique” in Palmyra (Tadmor) should be understood as akin to the Islamic State seizing the Louvre, and destroying what it contains (except, of course, for […]
And Yet Another Aussie-Passport-Holding Muslim Gets Killed Waging jihad With Islamic State in Syria
It is, of course, not absolutely certain, as yet. But it seems highly probable. News that broke at the beginning of this week. “Melbourne Teen Irfaan Hussein Reportedly Killed […]
In Australia, "Middle Eastern" Criminals Are Very , Very Busy
And somehow I do not think that they are primarily from culturally-Christian or culturally-Jewish backgrounds. First, the illegal tobacco business, which is booming. As reported by David Hurley for the […]
Col. Kemp’s Bar-Ilan U. Speech: The International Media’s Amoral Campaign against Israel
Col. Richard Kemp CBE, Begin Sadat Center, May 19, 2015 On May 19, 2015, Col. Richard Kemp CBE gave a speech at the Begin Sadat Center of Bar-Ilan University in […]
Cab driver Anis Sardar jailed for Iraq bomb murder
From the Anis Sardar, 38, from Wembley, built bombs as part of a conspiracy to kill Americans fighting in the country. Sardar showed no emotion as Judge Mr Justice Globe […]
Rudaw Columnist Romano On Those Forewarned About Ramadi
Historian Alain Besançon: Throughout History, Muslims Have Never Blended In With The Surrounding Population Of Non-Muslims
In every land, at every period, that Muslims have conquered, they have subjugated the non-Muslim population, and converted or expelled– quickly or gradually — the non-Muslims. They are at this […]
Eric Zemmour Reviews Alain Besançon’s Latest Book
Alain Besançon, a celebrated historian (primarily, but not exclusively, of Communism), has written a book — that has just appeared — on the subject of comparative religion and, above all […]
The WaBenzi Of Erdogan’s Turkey
Here. I learned decades ago that the African rulers and their courtiers in East Africa were wittily referred to by locals as the “waBenzi” or “people of the Mercedes Benz.” […]
Hezbollah Crows Over Victory In Qalamoun
Turkish Arms Sent To Arch-Sunnis In Syria
Iraqi Adviser: Coalition Helped The Islamic State Forces Take Ramadi
Here. A high-ranking Iraqi government adviser claims that the “Coalition Forces” (that is, the Western allies, above all the Americans, who, to help Iraq, have been steadily bombing the Islamic […]
Realism From Hezbollah: In Syria, War Without End