The Iconoclast
At Al-Aqsa, A No-Nonsense Statement Of Islamic Doctrine
Non-Muslims must convert, or pay the Jizyah (and observe other restrictions), or be fought and killed. There are no other possibilities. End of story. The Restatement Of Islamic Doctrine can […]
Muslims In Bangladesh Free To Do What They Can’t Do In Texas
That is, kill those who “blaspheme” Islam in one way or another. A blog, a cartoon contest, you name it. A third secular Bengali blogger is hacked to death by […]
Western Governments "Shocked" By Saudi Arabia And Turkey
Here. Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey (the Turkey of Erdogan the anti-Ataturk) have been supporting the Sunni Jihad against the Shiite (Rafidie dogs and Persians to boot) for years. Now that […]
Phoenician Karl Sharro Explains Yemen
Here. That big mess — quer pasticccaccio bruto — in Yemen, explained by the Phoenician Karl Sharro, who left his native Lebanon long ago for London where, in his far-from-the-madding-Muslim-crowd […]
Rising Concerns over Muslim Refugee Resettlement in US: 1330amWEBY Interview with Ann Corcoran
Ann Corcoran’s brief video on Muslim Refugee Resettlement in the US has gone viral since being put up on YouTube on April 20, 2015 by the Center for Security Policy. […]
"The Penalty Phase" At NPR
On NPR various announcers, most of them, to judge by their voices, about 17 years old, have been talking about “the penalty phase” of the Tsarnaev trial. “Penalty phase” sounds […]
Amelia Katzen Reviews ‘Catch the Jew!’
Amelia Katzen writes in
A Faint Sign Of Cultural Health
A writer at The Atlantic on language instruction in American colleges: “Another challenge emerges when looking at the languages these students are learning, too. In 2013, roughly 198,000 U.S. college […]
The Killing of Osama bin Laden
Seymour Hersh tells
How Eric Holder Treated The Police
Former NYC Police Commissioner Howard Safir, here.
Mithal Al-Alusi: The Saudi Clan Has No Right To Meddle In Iraq
Here. Mithal Al-Alusi is the best of the Iraqi political figures. His two sons were killed to punish him for visiting Israel. He signed the St. Petersburg (Florida) Declaration, a […]
French Attitudes Harden Toward The Muslims In Their Midst
Here. The use of the word “banlieue” (the word “suburb” in English may be the translation, but it is a misleading one, and “outskirts” might be better) to mean, metonymically, […]
Uzay Bulut: Islam, "Islamism," And The Jewish Cemetery In Milas
Water Problems In Iran And Its Muslim Neighbors
Here. In Iran, the venerable network of qanats is insufficient to meet Iran’s water needs. Climate change is desertifying Iran. The Arabs keep having children, heedless of the state of […]
Moroccan Plane Goes Down In Yemen
Here. Without any ground-to-air missiles, the Yemenis may nonetheless have been able to shoot down one of the attacking Sunni planes. If only two or three more could be shot […]
“This book should be required reading…” “This book should be read by all those who…” “The book our generation needs…” “This book is a must-read.” If a book is good, […]