The Iconoclast
No Parades In His Honor, No Streets Named For Him
In America today, the hero policeman who stopped the jihadist attack in Garland,Texas has to remain anonymous for his own and his family’s safety. We cannot celebrate him. We cannot […]
Auntie Does Dawa: Australia’s ABC Runs a Puff Piece on How Wonderful Islam Is and How Wonderful It is To Convert to Islam
This article – one could, echoing the title of a saccharine Canadian puff piece entitled “Little Mosque on the Prairie”, have entitled it “The Little Mosque in the Bush” – […]
Was the Near Unanimous Vote on INARA by the US Senate a “rebuke” of President Obama?
Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) after near unanimous vote on Iran Nuclear Review Act (INARA), May 7, 2015 At a conclusion of an Iconoclast post on the Twitter battle between Iranian […]
Naming-Day In Tajikistan
Yemen Al Qaeda Leader Who Claimed Credit for Charlie Hebdo Attack Killed in U.S. Drone Strike
Extremists order east London Muslims to boycott election – #StayMuslimDontVote stuck to car windscreens. Birmingham Muslims ordered to vote Labour
From The Telegraph Voting in the General Election was embroiled in controversy with some Muslims told not to vote while others were allegedly ordered by spiritual leaders to back Labour. […]
Commander Hossein Salami: Iran Can Call Spirits From The Vasty Deep
But will they come? Here.
The Padishah Pronounces
Here. Erdogan wants to restore all the mosques. But why not restore the churches, Greek and Armenian, and Jewish synagogues, like the one at Sardis that Professor Hanfmann of Harvard […]
Douglas Murray: Don’t Be Distracted By Irrelevancies
Here. It is not whether someone is “right-wing” or “left-wing,” well-spoken or possibly coarse in expression. What matters is this: Muslims all over the Western world (in Dar al-Islam they […]
The NYTimes Blames the Victims
Paki Muslims Honor Texas Shooters as Martyrs for Opposing Free Speech
Muslims gathered at the Gausia Madrassa in Peshawar, Pakistan to honor the Memory of Pakistan ex-pat Hamid Nadir Soffi and Phoenix Arizona room mate Elton Simpson for their martydom […]
IRS Raked over the Coals in DC Appellate Court Hearings on Viewpoint Discrimination in Z STREET Case
Source: The Jewish Press, May 7, 2015 It’s hard enough being a Zionist in the US, given a passive Jewish community supine under the sway of Obama Administration isolating Israel. […]
What It’s Like to be a Jewish Student at Ontario University
The following
"Not Intimidated" – Wilders in RTL Interview on Garland, Texas Failed Jihad Attack
Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV) was interviewed by RTL following the Garland, Texas, Jihad attack on the Muhammad Art Exposition sponsored by the American Freedom […]
Softly and Tenderly Democratic Shepherds Are Calling
General elections in modern democracies bore much of the population—perhaps most of it. They even seem to many a form of slow torture by means of constant and inescapable publicity […]
Baltimore’s Problem, and America’s
It would be ungracious of me not to acknowledge with gratitude the column on Sunday of my old friend Fareed Zakaria, citing several sources, including me, as he recounts the […]