The Iconoclast

Just A Little Bit Of Twitter

February 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

The illustration, that is, here.

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Obama’s Tu-Quoque On Behalf Of Islam

February 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

He can’t any longer keep pretending that there’s nothing wrong with Islam. Now that he has to admit, begrudingly, that, he’s found it necessary to remind everyone that “we do […]

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A Musical Interlude: Easy Come, Easy Go (Lee Wiley)

February 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Listen here.

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Hamza Mansour, Of Muslim Brotherhood In Jordan, Answers A Question

February 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

His way of dealing with the question will be familiar to all those who have seen Muslims being interviewed, in Dar al-Islam or Dar al-Harb, about Islam. Here.

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Abd Al-Bari Atwan: Arabs Should Unite In The Jihad Against Israel

February 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Riven by disputes among their nations and within their nations, the Muslim Arabs all agree on only one thing: the need to destroy Israel. And they should, this former editor […]

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Barack Obama Wants Us To Put Muslim Terrorism In Perspective

February 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

His remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast here.

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Why Not A Guaranteed Income For All Muslims So They Won’t Be Discontent?

February 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

In Sweden, there will be jobs and apartments and subsidies awaiting those who come back from the Islamic State. That will put them in such a good mood that they […]

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Boehner Invites Pope To Address Congress Without Getting Obama’s Permission; Pope Francis Accepts Anyway

February 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald


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“A Forest of Crosses” discovered in Saudi Arabia

February 05, 2015
Jerry Gordon

Ancient Christian Inscription in Saudi Arabia Source: F. Imbert, Asian News After we posted on an Israel Hayom article on a fascinating exhibit  at Israel’s Biblical Lands Museum  of Judean […]

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Boehner’s Invitation To Netayahu: The Real Timeline

February 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Here. Would you rather hear on the subject of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its nuclear project  Barack Obama, or Benjamin Netanyahu. The latter has been warning the West […]

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Cometh The Hour, Cometh The Man: Clint Eastwood

February 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

“He[King Abdullah] said there is going to be retribution like ISIS hasn’t seen,” said Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter Jr., a Marine Corps veteran of two tours in Iraq and one […]

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Moussaoui, The Saudis, and Those 28 Pages in the 9/11 Report

February 05, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
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Anne-Sophie Letac: The Irruption Of Evil Into The Kingdom Of Goody-Goodness

February 05, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald


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American Weapons Go Astray In Yemen

February 04, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Here. And why not? By the tens of billiions of dollars worth, they’ve gone astray in Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan.. And they will go astray, you can be sure, […]

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Moussa Coulibaly, "Une Chance Pour La France’

February 04, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Here. Coulibaly is, it turns out, a  common name in Mali. This Coulibaly is not related to the kosher-market murderer. But hee shares his hatred for Jews, soliders, France. He […]

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BREAKING NEWS: 25 men charged with sexual offences against two girls in Calderdale

February 04, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the

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