The Iconoclast
Stickers encouraging people not to vote because ‘democracy violates the right of Allah’ put up in Cardiff
Pray to Allah or drown, Muslims ordered Christians
Building National Monuments in Canada
One of the instances of a great nation is impressive and tasteful monuments. They may be understated, as in London, where they are rarely larger than a nine-feet tall statue […]
I Sing of Arms and Iran
Casey Stengel, sometimes reputed as the greatest 20th-century American philosopher, is reported to have asked a simple but critical question: “Can’t anybody here play this game?” He was apparently referring […]
On Wednesday 15th April It was Yom Ha-Shoah
I think it appropriate, even if a couple of days late, to do something to remember those who were murdered, and those who survived. First, though, I would like to […]
Teenagers planned Australian terror attack for ANZAC centenary
Police this afternoon charged 18-year-old Hallam teenager Sevdet Besim with “conspiracy to commit acts done in preparation for, or planning, terrorist acts”, a Commonwealth offence. Mr Besim appeared for a […]
Melbourne, Australia: Muslims Arrested Over Alleged Anzac Day Jihad Mass Murder Plot Inspired by Islamic State
Our reliably-Islamophile ABC has, of late, been trying hard to represent Australia-resident Muslims as poor little persecuted victims of the mean and nasty and, of course, ignorant and stupid Australian […]
Ohio Somali Émigré indicted on Terrorist Charges following Al Qaeda Training in Syria
Abdirahman Sheik Mohamud, left, speaks with his attorney, Sam Shamansky, during a hearing in Columbus, Ohio, in February. Photo: Andrew Welsh-Huggins/Associated Press Various news stories reported the transfer into […]
Has Saddam Hussein’s Deputy, “King of Hearts” Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri been finally run to Ground?
Former Saddam Hussein Deputy Izzat al-Douri ally of ISIS During the Iraq War, a number of deputies to the late Saddam Hussein in the Iraqi Ba’athist government were targeted by […]
Al Qaeda Seizes Huge Arms Depot In Yemen
Here. The Americans are supplying the Saudis with intelligence on Houthi targets. The Houthis were the most formidable enmy of Al Qaeda; the weaker the Houthis become, the more likely […]
Another Friday in Iraq – Car Bombings All Around
Fox News: A car bomb exploded outside the U.S. Consulate in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil Friday, and a series of bombings ravaged several areas around Baghdad, killing at […]
ISIS’ Plan to Destroy Israel
Bridget Johnson at PJ Media keeps a watching brief on ISIS media. In February 2015, she alerted us to earlier ISIS ebook in its series -see below- about conquering the […]
A First for Francis. With the Ottoman Enemy
Sandro Magister writes in
Geert Wilders PEGIDA Speech Video with English Subtitles
We received a copy this morning of a YouTube video of Geert Wilders speech at Monday’s PEGIDA Rally in Dresden with English subtitles. It projects more power in delivery than […]
A Literary Interlude: Enobarbus Describes Cleopatra (Shakespeare)
Once upon a time young pupils (aged 12? 13?) in American schools would routinely be tasked with memorizing such passages, and declaiming them with suitable expression. And now? Now they’re […]
FBI Holds “Special” Meeting in Juárez to Address ISIS, DHS Not Invited
From report earlier this week of ISIS activity along the Mexican border, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) supervisors called a “special” meeting at the U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juárez. A […]