The Iconoclast

Sweden’s Jews Threatened by Muslim Antisemitism

February 11, 2015
Jerry Gordon

Boycott Israel Protest Rally Malmo,Sweden 2012 Earlier today, I exchanged an email with a French Jewish resident here in  Florida seeking assistance to gain permanent resident status in the US, […]

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Tip of the Iceberg

February 11, 2015
Conrad Black

NBC anchor Brian Williams, who, after ten years of what Mao Tse-tung condemned as “putting on the airs of the veteran,” is in limbo after being exposed as a fraudulent […]

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Here Be Monsters!

February 11, 2015
John Constantine

Three hundred years ago much of the earth’s surface was uncharted. Often large, dangerous, unmapped areas  carried the legend “Here Be Monsters”. In other words, venture into these areas at your own risk. […]

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Number of ‘Muslim’ children in Britain doubles in a decade

February 11, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax
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Terror arrests around Northern England

February 11, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the Birmingham Mail The plots are not said to be connected (other than by ideology) A man was arrested today on terror charges after a series of dawn raids […]

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Ivan Rioufol: In Doubs, UMP, PS, Tutti Quanti Arrived To Defeat Sophie Montel

February 11, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

And they did, but only just. The Socialist candidate, supported by the UMP, and a cast of celebrity politicians who came flockiing in to declare that Montel, the candidate of […]

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European Defense Against The Invasion From North Africa

February 11, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

The people-traffickers, the ones who run the boats and then fill them with human cargo, and then sometimes abandon ship so that they won’t be caught, as they leave putting […]

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Laila Ghannam, PA Terror Supporter, Given The Liberty Bell As A Token — A Token Of What?

February 11, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Maria Sanchez, a councilwoman in Philadelphia, was most impressed with fellow female politiciain Laila Ghannam, and thought giving her the Liberty Bell (apparently some sort of local political award) would […]

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President Obama and Ms Psaki; Those “folks” killed in a Paris Kosher deli weren’t “Buddhists.”

February 11, 2015
Jerry Gordon

President Obama interview The  dilemma  the Obama Administration created when it chose not to identify Jihad of Islamic terrorists was  graphically on display yesterday in daily press briefings at […]

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Sydney, Australia: Jihad Plot Foiled, Two Muslims Arrested

February 11, 2015
Christina McIntosh

As reported by our Aussie ABC today. ‘Terrorism Raid: Pair Charged Over Alleged Islamic State-linked Plot; Sydney Garage Searched.” ‘Two men (sic: Two Muslim men – CM) are accused […]

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Grandfather’s body could be exhumed after relatives of Muslim buried alongside complain he was an unbeliever

February 11, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

The employee of Tell Mama may witter on about how scared Muslims are, but the antics of Sunday, national press, which is good because I fear that the nervous local […]

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A Musical Interlude: Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea (Lee Wiley)

February 10, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Listen here.

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The Prospect Of Netanyahu’s Speech Flutters The Dovecotes

February 10, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

The brouhaha, the despair, the panic, in some circles over the prospect that Netanyahu will indeed honor his initial acceptance of Speaker Boehner’s invitation to address the House Of Representatives […]

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One More Former Muslim Takes Obama To Task On Islam And The Islamic State

February 10, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald


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President Al-Sisi of Egypt: “The Muslim Brotherhood is the Origin of it All”

February 10, 2015
Jerry Gordon

President Al-Sisi of Egypt Source Rena Effendi/Institute/Der Spiegel   Yesterday, Der Spiegel published,   an “Interview with Egyptian President Sisi: ‘Extremists Offend the Image of God’.  It purports to be a  […]

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The Best Explanation of our Current Unemployment Figures

February 10, 2015
Geoffrey Clarfield


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