The Iconoclast
Allahu-Akbaring Machine-Gun-Toting Muslims Attack Restaurant In Mali
Orally, But Not Per Os
From an article by Suzanne Garment on Hillary Clinton’s private email account: “So much for the historical record — and for the idea that you can force people to make […]
The Netanyahu Effect: Kerry Embarrassed Into Seeking A Not-Quite-As-Bad Deal
Even if you remain in the camp of those who refused to be impressed by Netanyahu’s artful performance before Congress, even if you have more faith in the hard-bargaining of […]
A Musical Interlude: He Loves And She Loves (Arthur Rosebery And His Band, voc. Jack Hart)
Listen here.
Having An Effect: Sunni Boy Caught And Executed By Shi’ite Militias
Here. Sudden thought: Could this be one more example of Arab propaganda, like the video of the “murdered Mohammad Al-Dura,” ascribed to the Israelis by Arab Muslims and their willing […]
French Foreign Minister Fabius Once Again Questions P5+1 Deal with Iran
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, Quai d’Orsay, Feb. 24, 2015 Source: Reuters French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius is convening a meeting in Paris Saturday with Western and EU members of […]
What’s Playing At The Roxy, In Good Old Aleppo Town
In the part that is under anti-regime control, here’s what’s playing at the Roxy.
Jonathan Tobin: What The Guardian And Al Jazeera Tried To Do With That "Mossad Memo"
Before Netanyahu’s speech, the propaganda organ of Qatar, and The Guardian, teamed up to “discredit” Netanyahu by leaking what was described as a “Mossad memo” and then explaining to their […]
Mr. Hijazi, Second In His Class
Here. This Mr. Hijazi– Shami Hijazi — is not to be confused with another Hijazi, Raed Hijazi, who worked for a while in the late 1990s as a cab-driver in […]
Marc Trevidic, And The Murders At Goldenberg’s Restaurant
Here. The attack on the famous kosher restaurant Jo Goldenberg, on the rue des Rosiers, was the first major terrorist attack by Muslims. It left six dead and many wounded. […]
The Puzzlement For "Counterterrorism Experts: "No Clear Pattern" Emerges
An excerpt from an article by Nicole Hong in today’s Wall Street Journal; No Clear Pattern Found In U.S. Residents Who Join Islamic State March 6, 2015 04:03:00 am […]
Mujahadid Explains Why He Stormed Canadian Parliament and Killed Soldier
Palestinian motorist rams pedestrians in Jerusalem
From the Sky News and the
Mohammed: The Ultimate Anti-Christ
The term anti-Christ is used only five times in the New Testament. Often Christian fundamentalists believe that at the end time the anti-Christ will appear and attempt to lead the […]
Majid Rafizadeh: The Sunset Clause Guarantees That Iran Will Become A Nuclear Power
It becomes more and more obvious that Netanyahu’s objections to the Obama-Kerry-Sherman negotiations with Mohammed Zarif, are not his alone, but shared by those who, instead of attitudinizing about Netanyahu’s […]
Rev. Shaun Harrison, Who Ran Substance Abuse And Anger Management Programs