The Iconoclast

Reports: ISIL Video Claims 1 of 2 Japanese Hostages Beheaded

January 24, 2015
Rebecca Bynum
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Muslim gang barred from gathering in large groups and burning flags after violent outbursts at rallies led by hate preacher Anjem Choudary

January 24, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

From the

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Robert Redeker: On The Fanatical Muslims Who Wish To Destroy France

January 24, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald


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Egyptian Imam: Europe Will Become One Islamic State

January 23, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Demography, Boumediene and Qaddafy and other Muslims know — and non-Muslims don’t want to know, don’t want to think about it – is destiny. Here.

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Belgium, Integration, Moroccans, Turks

January 23, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald


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Valls Tells Lyceens To "Get Used To Terrorism"

January 23, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald


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Life In Mosul

January 23, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald


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Sydney, Australia: Muslim Threat Display Mustered 800, Police Kept the Lid On It

January 23, 2015
Christina McIntosh

And meanwhile, in another part of western Sydney, around the same time, there was – or was going to be – a protest by some intelligent non-Muslim Sydneysiders who are […]

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Walid Al-Husseini, An Atheist Arab ("Palestinian") Now In Paris

January 23, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

His trajet described here.  

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It’s Islamism, Stupid

January 23, 2015
Richard Butrick

An op-ed by Quanta Ahmed, author of

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Recollections of Argentine Prosecutor, Alberto Nisman by Ken Timmerman and Dr. Ronen Bergman

January 23, 2015
Jerry Gordon
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On Wednesday The Rabbis Met Brian

January 23, 2015
Esmerelda Weatherwax

Brian of London, a friend of ours, met Rabbis Ari Abramowitz and Jeremy Gimpel in the Voice of Israel  studios earlier this week. Among the topics of conversation were jihad and […]

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Eric Schmidt Of Google On The Future Of The Internet

January 23, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

Schmidt gave a speech at Davos, claiming that because the Internet would be everywhere — like Flaubert’s demiurge, “present partout, visible nulle part” and so much a part of our […]

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Paideia In The Islamic State

January 23, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

At Poste de Veille, an excellent Canadian (French language)  site, here.

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"Blind Antisemitism" Of The BDS Rioters At NYC Council Meeting

January 23, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald


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No Comment Possible

January 23, 2015
Hugh Fitzgerald

President Barack Obama is interviewed on affairs of state, as part of an attempt to create an informed citizenry, here.

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