The Knife Cuts Both Ways: Feminists, Transgenders and Marriage

by Armando Simón

            For the past five years, we have seen many travesties, one of which has been that of men pretending to be women participating in various women’s sports. This has at times resulted in women sustaining serious injuries. It has also resulted in these men—who were mediocre in men’s sports—walking away grinning with prizes, awards, fame, praise, scholarships, and titles that rightfully belonged to women. A manifestation of the fabled patriarchy.

The losers were even expected to be happy for them and many of the losers stupidly went along with the charade without a peep.

With two or three exceptions most sportswomen were intimidated into silence, like sheep, but lately that has changed.

Nor is it just sports. One of these repulsive pretenders—or transgenders—was named by the elites as Woman of the Year. And other accolades have taken place.

And we are all expected to applaud these travesties.

Throughout, transgenders who did not accept who they originally were insist that we accept them for what they pretend to be now. Everyone is expected to go along and participate in their delusion and cheer them on.

By themselves, they would have a minimal impact in society since they constitute a microscopic part of the population, but they have had the full support of the leftist elites’ propaganda apparatus.

But this essay is not about transgenders. It is about feminists.

The Feminists Are Nowhere to be Seen

So where are the obnoxious feminists? You know, the ones who will shriek in your face over some imagined “microaggression.” Usually, they can mobilize tens of thousands of shrieking women to protest some imagined wrong. Supposedly, feminists have the best interest of women in mind.

That is what they have always said.

So where are they?

The reason we will not see massive, organized protests against the transgenders’ usurpation of women’s roles in society is because feminism gave birth to them.

Many of the feminists of the 1970s (aka, second wave feminism) were Marxists. Because of their ideological underpinnings, they were anti-family, seeing the father akin to an evil capitalist exploiter (which is why some feminists became lesbians). This anti-family outlook has persisted to the present day.

Much more relevant, their outlook was Lysenkoist. They saw the sexes as a social construct, and since they adhered to the idea of Total Equality with fanatical fervor, they created massive propaganda that women could do anything that men could, and there were no important physical differences between them. The overly-hyped tennis match between Billie Jean King and self-proclaimed male chauvinist Bobby Riggs, supposedly proved this once and for all (though it should be pointed out that Riggs went into the match thinking the whole thing a joke, only to realize that the women were out for blood). You can, therefore, see how the present castration cult of transgenders dovetails with radical feminism. And why so many leftists sputter when they are asked the definition of a woman.

This rigid ideological obsession that there are no differences between men and women (hence feminists have no objections to transgenders being in women’s sports) was adopted by Hollywood liberals in several films and television shows, where a skinny actress supposedly beats up half a dozen burly men. Some women have apparently swallowed this fantasy in a fit of wishful thinking; they have challenged men to fights in sports or the military. The results have often been brutal as the male opponents embraced with relish the idea of treating the women equally as men and pulverized them.

At any rate, feminists were very successful at cloning themselves with new followers partly because they did promote women into traditional male roles, partly because they put a spotlight on some men’s boorish behavior which they generalized to the whole sex, but mostly because they tapped into one of women’s worst instincts: resentment towards men. Which is why few women at that time opposed feminism, one of the few being a conservative with the unpronounceable name of Phyllis Schlafly.

Feminists held the fantasy in their minds that a phalanx of men stood in front of traditional male jobs, arms, extended, proclaiming “Thou shalt not pass!” In reality, there was little real opposition. The exception was in the military and firefighters, where opposition was based on the requirement of strength (standards have nowadays been lowered for women—for the sake of “equality”). The dearth of women in many types of jobs was simply due to the fact that most women had simply not thought of going into those professions.

A lot of men went along with this movement. Some did so for ideological reasons, others simply to avoid being screamed at during confrontations, others were opportunists who saw which way the wind was blowing, while still others agreed in the same attitude that an adult agrees with a child who makes an absurd statement just to humor them while secretly snickering. The latter was particularly the case in those instances where women clamored to enter a male profession on the grounds of equality while simultaneously arguing for special considerations.

You Got What You Wanted But You Lost What You Had

In several social media posts, a number of women have come to realize that the feminists sold them a false bill of goods, particularly in their hatred of men, and of their disdain for a traditional family. They have also realized that assimilating a set of masculine values and roles to the detriment of their femininity has been a hollow victory and, in fact, they have cut their own throats.

They feel empty.

Particularly as they get older.

Meanwhile, the younger women continue to shout in a defiant tone, “I don’t need men!” and “I can take care of myself.”

The Knife Cuts Both Ways

Also in the social media outlets, one can notice a change in many men. Many men are thoroughly disgusted with women, their hostility, their constant attacks, their double standards, their false accusations of rape. As such, many men have abandoned chivalry to the point that, in the case of a sinking ocean liner, they would gleefully push women out of the way to get into the lifeboats (besides, if the women were to be saved first, they would express no gratitude, they would simply think of it as their due—which has happened). These men like to chortle at women in social media crying because those women “have hit the wall” and have no one.

Indeed, these men have washed their hands of marriage altogether. They even have a slogan for their movement called MGTOW (Men Going their Own Way). Their logo is the figure of a bride and groom standing together while the latter extends a middle finger to the bride.

Their rationale is as follows: whereas in the past, divorce was seen as the failure of a woman to maintain a family unit together, divorce is nowadays initiated by 70% of wives. Many women have a chip on their shoulder when they enter marriage, keeping tabs in their minds on when they are oppressed, suppressed and repressed. Furthermore, many women have embraced the hookup culture, so there is no guarantee that while the men are at work, their wives are not enjoying fellatio with another man. Putting it crudely, many women have become skanky whores and no man wants that for a wife.

When divorce does come, as it inevitably will, the men are faced with the fact that the legal system of the mythical patriarchy is geared against them. They lose their homes, they lose their children, they have to pay alimony, and visitation rights are not enforced by the courts.

What happened to equality?

When men sit down as ask of the women, whether in their minds or in reality, what do the latter bring to the table when marriage is contemplated, the answer is: very, very little.

As a result, many men are walking away from the idea of marriage.

It would be suicidal not to.

On the other hand, some men have opted for finding wives overseas, women who have not been poisoned by feminism, women who simply want a good husband and want to raise a family and take care of all of them.

Which is anathema to feminists.


Armando Simón is a retired psychologist, author of Wichita Women and This That and the Other.