The Left Gave Us Trump 2.0 And they’re not going to like it.
By Glenn Harlan Reynolds
My New York Post column, which should be online tomorrow, opens with this quote from Marc Andreessen:
I go on from there to talk about how Trump is following my earlier advice to “move fast and break things” in spades, and how that’s affecting all sorts of stuff, including general attitudes.
Well, if you follow me here, you probably don’t need to be told how fast Trump is moving. But I have a few other thoughts here that didn’t fit the column. The main point is that the Democrats’ over-the-top rule-breaking, norm-busting attacks on Trump have backfired bigly. I like to use the Tolkien quote, “oft evil will shall evil mar,” and that happened here for sure.
A second consecutive Trump term would have been better, from my perspective, than Biden’s sham administration, obviously. But it certainly would have been better for the Democrats than this second non-consecutive term. Trump spent the past four years not only planning his comeback, but planning what he would do after his comeback.
In his first term he was too busy running to plan, and he was naïve about how Washington and the federal government – and the Republican Party – actually work. Not so much anymore. I’ve seen people – to continue the Tolkien reference – compare him to Gandalf the White coming back after battling the Balrog, and that’s not a bad analogy.
Then there’s this one, which pretty much sums up what I’m saying here. Like Sulla, he’s been taking names, and he has a list.
And there’s this:
It really is. Trump could get carried away with this stuff at some point, but at present he seems to be settling all family business in a very measured way. Where the opening months of the first Trump Administration were confused – Omarosa in the White House? – this time around he’s realized that personnel is policy, and he’s clearly done a lot of thinking about who his personnel will be. And it’s no coincidence that he’s put a lot of people who were victims of various government agencies in charge of those same agencies. Not much danger of them going native, I think.
A second consecutive Trump term would have delayed the advance of the left/Democrat agenda, and pushed it back in some minor ways, but would probably have ultimately been no more than a bump in the road for that agenda. This Trump term will likely burn it down.
It helps, of course, that most of that agenda was always heavily unpopular. Open borders poll badly with almost every constituency except elites. Likewise affirmative action. Likewise the entire Trans agenda, etc., etc. These things were kept in place basically through bullying: Calling anyone who opposed them a racist and using the power of the media, and leftist institutions, to punish them.
But they squandered that power going after Trump, blowing the media’s credibility and wrecking the moral and intellectual authority of institutions like universities and corporations. (Covid policy, which was a part of the anti-Trump campaign, made that much worse). It wasn’t enough to keep him out this time, and it’s nowhere near enough to effectively oppose him now. And they also gave him a motive to be ruthless in going after both their agenda and their institutions.
Oft evil will shall evil mar. It’s funny how that works. I’ve been depressed about the state of things in the past, but miracles keep happening, as this guy notes:
It seems that God really does watch over fools, drunkards, and the United States of America. Thank God.
But, you know, the Lord also helps those who help themselves. There’ll be plenty of work for all of us in the coming years. Be grateful to be in a position to make a difference, and do it.
First published in Glenn’s substack