The Swamping Of Europe


The natives of Europe, wary of expense, uncertain of the future, living in societies where the possibilities of finding mates has been reduced by the breakdown or breakup — the demobbing — of the little battalions that used to make such things easier, are not reproducing themselves. In the Arab and Muslim lands, and in sub-Saharan Africa, women breed, for that is their function, and Western ideas of the soul-mate do not exist, a wife or wives can be taken, and the breeding starts, and families of eight, ten, fifteen children are not unusual. And this excess — which keeps being produced — heads toward Europe for what some in Europe so mistakenly describe as “going in search of a better life” which implies that they understand where they are going, will be able and indeed want to pitch in and work hard and integrate in these societies, and rise, in the horatio-alger manner. But that’s not what this blind turning toward the rich West, this frantic lemming-like rush, to Europe, and then within Europe, to the countries that supply the most freebies, in housing, medical care, education, and subsidies of all sorts, is all about. They are coming to get what they can, and the cultural and other differences will not, cannot be bridged, and the attempt to integrate them into advanced Western societies cannot work, and the mere trying will impoverish, in every way, those societies as they attempt to do what is not possible, and make their own peoples endure a steady decline in economic well-being, and a concomitant increase in physical insecurity, and cultural incoherence. Why should Europe ruin itself because others do not limit their own families, but instead see Europe, and North America, as places where they have some kind of divine right to enter, to settle, and to take every possible advantage of every possible benefit, battening on the manna provided by others who are to take care of the excess population even as their own numbers go down, partly as a result of the effects of that outside population that fills so many in Europe with despair that they are unable to, because not allowed to, properly expess?  


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