Three Islamist terrorists who plotted to behead a British soldier, bomb a shopping centre and join ISIS after being inspired by hate preacher Anjem Choudary could walk free after being referred for parole

A trio of jailed Islamist terrorists could soon be walking the streets again after being referred to the Parole Board, Mail Online can reveal. All three are disciples of hate preacher Anjem Choudary, who has inspired dozens of convicted terrorists and 15 plots over two decades.

The terrorists applying for release include one who plotted to behead a British soldier and another who planned bombing atrocities at major shopping centres.

One of the three men due to be considered for release is Parviz Khan, 50, the ringleader of a gang who plotted to kidnap and behead a British soldier.  He was given a life sentence in 2007 and told he would serve a minimum of 14 years imprisonment, which he has served. I hope he remains in prison but I’m not holding my breath. The Judge said he is a very dangerous man. 

Another Choudary disciple who plotted to bomb British shopping centres also close to freedom is Jawad Akbar, 36, from Crawley, West Sussex. He was jailed for life in 2007 for planning fertiliser bomb atrocities at shopping malls, including Bluewater in Kent, at nightclubs and in Britain’s domestic gas network. Akbar’s Parole Board case is likely to be heard before Christmas.

Zakariya Ashiq, 26, from Coventry, was found guilty on two counts of preparing acts of terrorism in 2015. His extremist sympathies were also exposed in WhatsApp messages. In one he wrote: ‘There is no life, there’s no life without jihad.’  The court heard he was a ‘Walter Mitty’ character and was sentenced to six years jail. He was since released on licence but has now been recalled to jail and awaits a review by the Parole Board.

Left to right Parviz Khan, Jawad Akbar, Zakariya Ashiq,

A Parole Board spokesperson confirmed the cases of all three had been referred to them and each prisoner will now go before the parole board to bid for freedom.

Last night Chris Phillips, the UK’s former counter terror lead, warned: ‘Choudary remains a very dangerous individual.’

Last week reports claimed Choudary had blasted social media firms for not protecting him from death threats after years cheerleading for jihad.


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