Time To Admit It: Democrats Are The Party of Sexual Perverts

By Armando Simón

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final and most essential command.” —  George Orwell

Mark Levine has labeled the Democratic Party the Party of Hate, others have described it as the Party of “Death to America,” and a good case can be made for both descriptions. The above statement that the Democratic Party is the Party of Sexual Perverts is not an ad hominem statement nor meant as an insult, but as an accurate description, an easily verified description which I will herewith demonstrate.

But first, I must explain that accusations of demonstrable censorship, news bias, conspiracies, indoctrination in schools, and injuries of females by transgenders in sports, etc., are often countered by leftists writing essays of simple denial.

Crude but effective.

On the other hand, whenever I make the above accusations, coming from a research background, I often cite data, lists, that is, lists of facts, without intervening flowery statements. While general accusations can be waved away with equally general denials, data – that is, detailed facts – cannot be waved away, much as leftists would like otherwise.

One drawback, of course, is that readers can become overwhelmed at the sheer amount of data and the other is that editors become irritated by this technique, preferring grandiose essays. Now, I can write grandiose essays along with the best of them, but listing data, undeniable data, is the best choice.

So, I beg the reader’s indulgence in the following:

In Arizona, Democratic state senators hosted a “Drag story hour” for children and adults – inside the State House.

In Kentucky, a Democratic senator opposed a bill banning child sex toys and referred to pedophiles as “minor-attracted persons.” Leftists always use euphemisms to promote repugnant ideas. And, yes, people do fall for that trick.

In Kansas City, Missouri, the Democratic mayor along with other Democratic officials had a “National Reading Day.” Not books like “Tom Sawyer” or “Treasure Island.” No. The books read were written with the purpose of brainwashing children to “explore their gender identity” (more euphemisms) and to encourage them to become transgender.

New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez praised a drag queen wandering around in the halls of Congress.

Staff members of a Democratic senator from Delaware were found having anal sex in the Judiciary Committee hearing room.

And speaking of Democrats from Delaware, we have pseudo-President Joe Biden. His daughter’s diary revealed that they used to shower together. That’s one way to bond. His crackhead son recorded himself having sex and drugs with multiple prostitutes. Biden is also outraged – yes, outraged! – that pornographic books are being removed from elementary school libraries.

In Michigan, a Democratic government staffer expressed being aroused by the “sexy satanic statue” erected at the Michigan state capitol.

In New York, a Democratic senator who helped pass a bill targeting Donald Trump on accusation of rape was himself accused of rape.

In a symbolic slap to parents, a Democratic Fairfax County School Board member was sworn into office not on the Bible, but on a stack of pro-homosexual books.

In New York, Erie County Democratic party chairman was sentenced for having sexual relations with a 9-year-old. Now you know why Democrats pander to pedophiles.

In California, Democrats blocked a bill that would make child trafficking a more serious felony than it is presently. Now you know again why Democrats pander to pedophiles.

In Maryland, a Democratic mayor was caught with child porn and distribution thereof.

In Wisconsin, a Democratic judge was found distributing child pornography.

And then there are the Democratic officials in the judiciary that release child rapists out into the street, especially if they are illegal aliens. Nor can they be deported.

Democrat Chasten Buttigieg, husband of Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg, was shown in a video having children recite the pledge of allegiance to … the “pride” flag.

In Spain, the minister for equality (!) proclaimed that children should have sex with adults if they want to. She is a socialist, the Spaniard version of Democrat.

The Democratic Michigan governor posed for a picture with a bizarre, sexualized person.

And speaking of pictures, who could forget Democratic Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum, found passed out, naked, and lying on drugs and his own vomit next to another naked man?

And then, there is the appropriately named Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner who sent women naked pictures of himself – and he was far from being Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In New Hampshire, a Democratic transgender representative was arrested for possession of child pornography and sexual abuse of children.

In Oregon, Democrats have made it legal for pedophiles to expose themselves to little children.

And then, we come to the issue of men pretending to be women entering women’s safe spaces and women’s sports.

Not only is it unfair to the females because the men usually win, but also because they injure females during competition, and, of course, insist on bathing naked with the females.

Attempts at prohibiting this travesty have been opposed tooth and nail by Democrats in several ways: 1) asserting that parents have no say so over their children, or to put it another way, “your kids are not your kids.” 2) have Democratic celebrities and politicians shower praise on drag queens and transgenders; for example, a fake American Indian praised fake women. 3) pass malevolent legislation sugar coating it with euphemisms. One can almost assert with near certainty that all Democrats favor men intruding in women’s sports.

To finish, it is only appropriate to remember serial rapist Bill Clinton. And the feminists who came to his defense as well as in defense of Biden, not his rape victim, including Gloria Steinem.

Notice in many of the above instances the silence of the national media hivemind. Almost as if it was taking orders not to report such outrages to the general public.

But regardless of the censorship on this, and other subjects, you can’t help but come to the obvious conclusion. At some point you can’t help but connect the dots; no matter how hard you may try to look away, the evidence is right there in front of you, staring at you. And in this case, it is that the Democratic Party is the party of sexual perverts.

Armando Simón is a trilingual native of Cuba, a retired psychologist, and author of “The Book of Many Books” and “A Prison Mosaic.

First published in Issues and Insights


2 Responses

  1. Like the Roman Empire they murder their own babies and are cool with it. Sex is recreation to them not procreation. That is why worldwide they are importing their replacements from Latin America, Asia and Africa as fast as they can.

    Why? They hate their own culture and history and they need new voters after killing their own children – these illegal aliens are totally dependent on handouts and welfare – paid for by the hard working taxpayers they so detest.

    The odd part is the number of Americans who are good with this. They are useful idiots.

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