Time to confront local Islamists: this is war

Straight talking from Jennifer Oriel in The Australian.  Read it all. 

Britain has been invaded. Whitehall has revealed that there are 23,000 suspected terrorists inside the UK. What it didn’t say is that the British army reserve has just 29,940 active personnel. The ­implications are clear, but no politician will admit them. When the number of enemies inside a nation nears the number of its active army reserve, the nation cannot hold. Britain and the Commonwealth states should be on a war footing. That means closing borders, strengthening treason laws and bolstering defence.

Islamists are engaged in total war against the West. The latest figures on jihadis in Britain prove their success in penetrating the heart of Western democracy without our knowledge. Intelligence agencies in Britain, the US and Australia appear to be concealing the immensity of the jihadist threat within. We must question why British intelligence did not ­reveal the staggering number of potential jihadis in the country ­before now. We can ill afford intelligence services that tell us half-truths and lies by omission that protect an enemy within committed to our destruction.

Following the Manchester bomb­ing, the British government finally told the truth about what decades of multiculturalism have produced in Britain: 23,000 terrorists. The Times reported that the initial figure of 3000 jihadists was a function of MI5 operational limits, not reality. The intelligence agency can keep eyes on about 3000 individuals at any one time, so it creates a priority classification list with categories such as active and residual risk. But the three major jihadist attacks on Britain in recent years were conducted by men who had been ­investigated and subsequently ­removed from the active terror watch list. These residual jihadis number about 20,000.

The revelation that there is a potential jihadist army inside ­Britain about 7000 personnel short of Britain’s army reserve raises the question of war. But Britons must surely question also why the state withheld such critical information during the Brexit debate when ­issues of national security, border and immigration policy determined the outcome. The concealment of such information begs the question of how many other intelligence services are concealing the true state of the jihadist threat within the West.

I warned in 2015 that the West would win the battle against ­Islamic State but lose the war against Islamism unless Western leaders recognised jihad as a substantive ideology. Jihad is an ideology first and last. Its militant expression is Islamic terrorism whose primary purpose is not to instil terror but to destabilise and exhaust the protective capacity of legitimate governments. In that sense, jihad is akin to militant socialism. The end of revolutionary socialism is the communist state. The end of revolutionary jihad is the Islamic state.

I warned in 2015 that the West would win the battle against ­Islamic State but lose the war against Islamism unless Western leaders recognised jihad as a substantive ideology. Jihad is an ideology first and last. Its militant expression is Islamic terrorism whose primary purpose is not to instil terror but to destabilise and exhaust the protective capacity of legitimate governments. In that sense, jihad is akin to militant socialism. The end of revolutionary socialism is the communist state. The end of revolutionary jihad is the Islamic state.


3 Responses

  1. Almost there….

    She needs to read Sam Solomon's "Al Hijra: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration".

    And Jacques Ellul's foreword on Jihad.

    Then she might be brave enough to write – "It's time to confront the Muslims.  This is war."

    Or, one might add, after 'Muslms", "the Ummah, the Mohammedan mob, every member of the OIC, the enablers, financiers and fomenters of Jihad.  This is war."

  2. Wow. As Ron Weasley might, say, "That was bl**dy brilliant!"

    She's still pulling the punches a bit – it's not 'Islamists" who are at war with the entire Infidel world (not just the West), it's the Ummah, plain and simple: producing, enabling, nurturing and human-shielding the jihadis and running interference for them.  It's the MUSLIMS who are engaged in total war, using all the instruments of Jihad – including demographic jihad, al-hijra, the immigration-invasion, infiltration and subversion.

    But she's waaay out ahead of any of our current crop of weaselwording and cowardly politicos.  

    "The end of revolutionary jihad is the Islamic state".

    And an Islamic state – a Caliphate, a global sharia despotism in which Muslims dominate, everywhere – is and always has been the goal of Islam, of the Ummah. 

  3. If a crackdown on every terrorist, his/her enablers, and those who have knowledge but don't notify authorities does not begin soon

    Britons ever, ever, ever shall be slaves.

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