Tommy Robinson: 13 suspects arrested over disorder by ‘Muslim Defence League’ at election rally

It’s only taken Greater Manchester Police six months to track these men down and arrest them. They had clear photographs from the press. They had alert officers on the spot, who even escorted some of the Muslim men who protested on public transport from Yorkshire to Manchester. I know that it doesn’t follow that those Muslim men escorted to the protest were the exact same Muslim men who committed the assaults, but I bet they know and associate with the men who did. They had facebook posts boasting of the damage caused.  If the police make all the arrests they should, then CPS says they can be charged, then get it to court, half the defendants will have absonded and the witnesses will be accused of not remembering events after passage of time. 

From the Independent and the Manchester Evening News. Readers might remember the original incident in  May, when Tommy Robinson was canvassing in the North West during the European Parliament elections. Milkshakes, fists, bricks and more were flying in his direction from the left and their favoured pets.

Police have arrested 13 people over “serious public disorder” at a rally held by Tommy Robinson before the European Parliament elections. Violence broke out after a large group of men calling themselves the Muslim Defence League (MDL) converged on the event in Oldham on 18 May.

Supporters said they wanted to protest against Robinson’s election campaign, but footage posted on social media showed numerous members of the group with their heads and faces covered.

“Look at the soldiers behind us,” said one member of the group. “We’re Halifax Pakistanis reppin’ in Oldham, and reppin’ for the MDL.”

Police initially escorted the demonstration, but violence broke out after they arrived at the pro-Robinson rally at a park in Limeside.

Scores of officers were seen armed with shield and batons in response to separate both sides as tensions flared on the residential street of Seventh Avenue.

This morning Greater Manchester Police raided 14 properties in Oldham, Crumpsall and one in West Yorkshire linked to the disturbance. Officers have arrested 13 men, aged between 15 and 40, on suspicion of violent disorder. All remain in custody for questioning.

Chief Superintendent Neil Evans, of GMP’s Territorial Commander with responsibility for Oldham said: “As the scale of this morning’s operation demonstrates, we continue to treat May’s disturbance with the utmost seriousness. We have been in liaison with the Crown Prosecution Service since the early stages of the investigation and a team of detectives has been working to identify those whose criminal behaviour resulted in the ugly scenes witnessed.

….While we have made a number of arrests, our enquiries remain very much ongoing. In conjunction with this morning’s positive action, we have released a number of images of people who we want to speak to concerning their actions on 18 May 2019.”

Ch Supt Evans said several people involved had travelled to Oldham from outside Manchester, and that police were liaising with neighbouring forces. The word ‘several’ must be flexible regarding just how many people constitute several. 

This is a link to the gallery of people the police want to speak to. The Oldham Chronicle has a thumbnail group of them all.