Tommy Robinson banned from Tik tok at instigation of Muslim MP.

Tommy Robinson set up a Tik Tok account at the end of March. “Banned from all western social media, let’s give the Chinese a go” Tommy roughly gained 22,000 followers on TikTok, he had over one million views in the first week alone. His online following was growing in number every single day. 

The MP is Afzal Khan, member for Gorton in Manchester (remember Tommy’s hustings on the white estates of Manchester violently attacked by Islamic groups brought in from elsewhere in the north during the European elections last year?) and is Labour’s shadow Deputy Leader of the House of Commons. 

He told Al Jazeera it was worrying that far-right figures have been able to sign up to TikTok “when they have been banned on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook”.

However Scram News the left-wing agit prop and anti democracy website are claiming most of the credit. 

Tell Mama is highly delighted. Well, they would be, wouldn’t they?

Tommy Robinson used his account to post videos falsely claiming Muslims were breaking coronavirus lockdown rules.

Before TikTok intervened, hateful videos posted by these accounts had accumulated over 840,000 views, despite TikTok having a hate speech policy clearly banning these types of videos.

But after pressure from Scram News – including Scram community members reporting the accounts in question, and tweeting and emailing TikTok – last week the company announced the accounts were under a “live investigation” and now the accounts have been permanently banned.

After Scram News broke the story, it was picked up by Al Jazeera and prompted complaints from Labour MP Afzal Khan and Harun Khan, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain.

This community pressure has proved to be successful.

In their statement, TikTok added:

“We’re continuously enhancing our efforts to ensure that individuals and organisations seeking to promote any form of hateful ideology cannot establish a sustainable presence on TikTok.”


I like this comment from a writer at Blitz – it’s her opinion, and I think she has a point.

Azfal Khan, upon learning of Tommy Robinson’s meteoric rise in popularity on Chinese social media platform TikTok, wasted no time in petitioning the UK government to use their influence with the Chinese government to get Tommy Robinson banned from TikTok. . . 

Yes, dear readers, the Chinese government. That is the government to which Allah has sent the coronavirus, his “little soldiers,” to punish those infidels for treating Muslims so badly in Xinjiang, as so many Muslims who know about such things assured us. So bad is the Chinese government towards Muslims that Allah had to take time out from his busy schedule to mobilise an army against them. That atheist, pig-eating, Muslim-slaying government is what Muslim brother Azfal Khan appealed to deal with the counter-jihad upstart Tommy Robinson.

I believe that Tommy is now trying a platform hosted in Russia. I know nothing else about it yet.