Topsy-Turvy: Parents Whose Children Took Their Islam Seriously Want The British Police To Apologise
It is disgusting — but so many things are these days — that the parents of the three girls, those three little maids from school who were sufficiently impressed with all the videos of beheadings, individual and en masse, and destruction, by the Islamic State that they left worthless Great Britain, to go off on their Excellent Adventure with the Islamic State, think that it they, the parents of the three little maids from school, who have a right to demand (it’s part of the Muslim worldview) from the kuffar police who, they think, didn’t do enough to prevent their vicious little chiildren from leaving on their vicious little trip. It is the British police who should be looking into the parents who, after all, raised up those girls, did everything they could to make them proper and submissive Muslims which means, of course, that they were already susceptible to the siren-song, on the Internet, of ISIS. Do not think for one minute that these parents had taught their children to abhor what Islam inculcates, that is hatred of the Infidels, and contempt for the Infidels among whom these girls’ families lived.
Not only should the apology not be given, but perhaps there should be calls to look into what these girls learned, virtually from birth, about how Muslims should regard non-Muslims. Yes, look into it. And see how common, how perfectly mainstream, how common, such teachings are, and reveal to the public, not merely what is in Qur’an and Hadith and Sira, but the atmospherics of families suffused, as the families here so obviously were, with Islam, Islam, Islam.