Video believed to be of girl pupils at the madrassa of the Lal Masjid in Islamabad being taught correct beheading technique.


The video was first published on twitter by British/Pakistani journalist Gul Bukari; a woman who is not in favour with the Pakistani government due to her consistent criticism of their regime. It was then repeated by the English edition of the Indian newspaper Lokmat. That is a Marathi language newspaper; India’s biggest regional newspaper. Also News Track India.

I’m taking the video in good faith. Even if it turns out to be a school play, Titus Andronicus on Acid or some such, it’s more violent and gory than one would like. 

The viral video shows girl students being taught in the mosque how to behead a person if someone insults religion. In the background of the video, the slogan of radical Tehreek-e-Lubbek Pakistan (TLP) is also heard on the loudspeaker. This is the same slogan that supporters of the TLP were chanting while killing Sri Lankan factory manager Priantha Kumara in Sialkot and burning her body.

Hundreds of girls and women are seen in religious costumes in the video. In front of the girls, women are seen beheading an effigy with a sword.  ‘Kaamyaab Jawan’ is a scheme of the Government of Pakistan, which is said to encourage education, employment, and engagement for the youth.

Miss Bukari describes it thus

Students of Red Mosque Islamabad practising how to behead a person accused of blasphemy. Pakistan’s “kamyab jawan” (successful youth) project proceeding rather well.

One of the little girls at the front in a white hijab only looks about age 4 or 5. The ones to the back look older, maybe 8 or 9. Once the video moves to the ranks of girls chanting some teenagers appear in orange and pink. 

I can’t embed the tweet/video here, but it’s a simple matter to follow the link. You don’t need a twitter account to play it, only to reply. A few more screenshots don’t do justice to the sound of the teachers geeing up the girls and the girls cheering fervently. All with a chant in the background which I think was added later, rather than was playing over the lesson. But I might be wrong. 



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