We give another inch

By William Corden

Here in the lower mainland of Vancouver, British Columbia we are literally falling over backwards to mitigate our shame for the treatment of the aboriginals (or First Nations, as we’re now legislated to call them.)
The latest example is in the naming of a new Community Center/Pool in one of our suburban cities ( New Westminster, to be precise)
The facility that preceded it was called “The Canada Games”  pool but of course that’s no longer acceptable and they’ve come up with an Indian? name which is unpronounceable and which is, even with a modern keyboard, untypeable (if that’s a word)
The people who lived here before the white man came had NO WRITTEN LANGUAGE. The language that they lay claim to is nothing more than an artifice to further the cause of a separate culture and Nation, even though they all claim to be individual nations . To me it looks like a dyslexic’s attempt to write a word and then trying to read it with a mirror
Nobody I know, not even the local Indian Bands, can fully speak or write in this new screed and yet the local authorities are printing road signs and gradually changing our traditional European names for something indecipherable. Aren’t we entitled to our own childhood nomenclature?    Why should mine have to go and theirs be imposed?
here’s an example of the new name for the Community Center

təməsew̓txʷ Aquatic and Community Centre

nobody knows how to pronounce it!
It’s like Esperanto with a fabricated alphabet, and it ain’t just me, look at this letter to the editor which echoes what I’m saying
Letter: The trouble with təməsew̓txʷ — how do we type it? Or say it?
Here’s what they want to rename  the jewel in our crown , Stanley Park
qoɈƨ ɒnnoϱ llɒ Ɉi ƨnɘʜw?