What Kamala Harris Wants to Keep in School Libraries

By Armando Simón

Recently, Kamala “Kneepad” Harris managed to speak at the American Federation of Teachers at their convention, delivering her inspirational message without her trademark cackling. She condemned what she called Republican book bans. She is referring, of course, not to books like Beowulf or Topper, but pornographic books, specifically homosexual pornography. This is a typical tactic used by leftists in their campaign to facilitate pedophilia and desensitize the victims (elsewhere, I have characterized the Democratic Party as the party of sexual perverts—not as an insult, but as a description), that of covering up their true intents while misleading their listeners or readers.

Parents who have objected to the pornography being in school libraries have objected to local school boards, whose members are usually smug and condescending if not contemptuous. As such, these parents have been labeled “domestic terrorists” by some members of the FBI. More to the point, however, is that board members who have approved such books have objected to parents reading the contents during school board meetings. Call me cynical, but I strongly suspect their objections are more due to avoiding shocking other attendees, preferring to talk about generalities rather than specifics (such as the above illustration). Call me even more cynical, but I would wage a lot of money that those board members who approved such books and refuse to remove the pornography have an extensive collection of child pornography at home.

Regardless, instead of skirting around it, the illustration above is an example, courtesy of Gender Queer, so that there is no mistake that we are not asking to have Infinite Jest or Crime and Punishment removed from libraries.

They’ll keep lying, though.


Armando Simón is a retired psychologist.


2 Responses

  1. Here is a domain where concerned parents can have an impact in local school and library districts. It’s past time to put the morality mutilators in their proper place, namely, hip deep, head first marinating in manure,
    If we don’t confirm our societal standards, mores, pro-ogressives will. If you care enough Organize! or be an army of one.

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