Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, there shall I be also.

by Rebecca Bynum

As many of you know, for many years I have working on the idea of modernizing and simplifying religion and removing the old ideas of sacrifice and atonement. The Urantia book can be a daunting task to read and absorb, but its basic religious tenets can possibly be simplified and distilled as follows:


Three commandments:

  1. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.
  2. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
  3. You shall strive to be perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.

Three understandings:

  1. I understand that I am infinitely loved by the Universal Father and His pure and holy Spirit dwells within my mind and cultivates my soul.
  2. I understand that I am the son or daughter of the Living God and that all human beings are my brothers and sisters, in fact and in truth.
  3. I understand that I am beginning an eternal journey; that I have eternal life in the here and now.


The Believer’s Prayer (This is the original prayer Jesus taught – notice how the Lord does not lead us into temptation.)

Our Father who is in heaven,
Hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come; your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our bread for tomorrow;
Refresh our souls with the water of life.
And forgive us every one our debts
As we also have forgiven our debtors.
Save us in temptation, deliver us from evil,
And increasingly make us perfect like yourself.


“Do this in remembrance of me.” (The idea of blood and body as an atonement sacrifice is removed. The Spirit of Truth is Christ’s spirit, also known as The Comforter.)

The wine: “We do this in thankfulness for the gift of the Spriit of Truth.”
The bread: “The word of the Father, as revealed in the Son, is indeed the bread of life.”


It is my prayer that a new church can arise on earth which will require nothing more from its believers. No dietary restrictions, no clothing regulations, no ritual obligations, just the taking to heart of the three commandments leading to the three understandings and gradually growing closer to God.

Loving God leads to knowing Him – God-consciousness – the goal of the ages.



20 Responses

  1. The coins of our realm announce, “In God We Trust.”
    This implies that We trust ourselves.
    What is the proof of the implication?

  2. Hello Rebecca

    A wonderful undertaking that even Dr TD (not known for religious zeal!) recently described as much needed (Vulgarity as Virtue).

    My question to you would be this: why “modernize” the language? In your commandments, is not something vitally important lost when you go for “you” rather than “thou”?

  3. Howard – not sure what you mean in your second comment, but thank you for your first and thank you Carl.
    Paul – It’s certainly true that something of the grace of the earlier language is lost, but I’m trying to appeal to the younger generation who have no concept there was ever any speech different from that of the present day. Have you seen The Chosen? It’s all in modern language and it works really well. Plus the Urantia Book is all in modern language.

  4. I think what I’m saying is this. The Ten Commandments from which yours are drawn are the word of God as spoken to Moses on Sinai. Somehow the use of the archaic, poetic “thou” conveys this whereas “you” doesn’t. It’s God actually speaking to us in our heart.

    Replace “thou” with “you” and we’re left with another peremptory human command inviting rebellion and lose all the divine mystery surrounding it.

  5. Rebecca, my second comment was intended to reflect your standards to everyday America today. With ethical, moral, educational, medical standards, being abandoned by our populace, our coins (exchanged with other Americans in our everyday life) remind us of our faith in God as foundational. I seem to lean toward Micah’s terse summary of a creed for all:
    *** Micah 6:8
    “ God has showed you what is good and what God requires of you – to behave justly, to love and be merciful, to walk humbly with your God.”
    Interpretations re this statement may be that behaving justly alone will soon enough lead to loving and being merciful/compassionate, which in turn must lead to gratitude, humility, and love for God and the opportunity S/He has provided to be of service.

    And thank you and your associates for your service.

  6. Rebecca and Paul — Perhaps the title page could read, “Three Commandments (Do Your Best and I’ll Do the Rest)”

  7. Thanks for the clarification, Howard. Paul, here is what the Urantia book says about your objection. (We both may be wrong.)

    92:2.2 (1004.5) Religion clings to the mores; that which was is ancient and supposedly sacred. For this reason and no other, stone implements persisted long into the age of bronze and iron. This statement is of record: “And if you will make me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone, for, if you use your tools in making it, you have polluted it.” Even today, the Hindus kindle their altar fires by using a primitive fire drill. In the course of evolutionary religion, novelty has always been regarded as sacrilege. The sacrament must consist, not of new and manufactured food, but of the most primitive of viands: “The flesh roasted with fire and unleavened bread served with bitter herbs.” All types of social usage and even legal procedures cling to the old forms.

    92:2.3 (1004.6) When modern man wonders at the presentation of so much in the scriptures of different religions that may be regarded as obscene, he should pause to consider that passing generations have feared to eliminate what their ancestors deemed to be holy and sacred. A great deal that one generation might look upon as obscene, preceding generations have considered a part of their accepted mores, even as approved religious rituals. A considerable amount of religious controversy has been occasioned by the never-ending attempts to reconcile olden but reprehensible practices with newly advanced reason, to find plausible theories in justification of creedal perpetuation of ancient and outworn customs.

    92:2.4 (1004.7) But it is only foolish to attempt the too sudden acceleration of religious growth. A race or nation can only assimilate from any advanced religion that which is reasonably consistent and compatible with its current evolutionary status, plus its genius for adaptation. Social, climatic, political, and economic conditions are all influential in determining the course and progress of religious evolution.

  8. 922.4. last paragraph. “… too sudden acceleration of religious growth.”
    From the viewpoint of the violently victimized ‘too sudden’ is not sudden enough. Did suttee wives go blissfully suicidely on their husbands’ funeral pyre, or slaves to the gallows unjustifiably, or young children incapable of informed consent being mutilated for NO Good reason by Parents and Medical monsters, Marxists as Poxists, jihadists as demonics ? Prevention of cruelty should be one of our goals — advice is aplenty; pack a knapsack of courage to apply it.

    There are times when others need to be force-fed humaneness until they practice and accept Decency as the way of life. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil did not bear bitter fruit or sweet indigestible fruit.
    Tojo, Hitler, Attila, King George 2, … were of similar misunderstandings. No need to hate them, better to correct them as well as their inheritors k, and ALL to be promptly educated as necessary.

  9. Good point Howard. Anything human beings touch is subject to being corrupted and humans are often apt to become fanatical.

  10. Rebecca

    Truth, Beauty and Goodness – the true spiritual values which guide, or should guide, human destiny.

    You may remember you wrote this on Jihad Watch a few years ago.

    We have to be true to this as we have to be true to ourselves. If you feel
    something of the grace of the earlier language is lost, don’t you think that’s a bad sign––whatever the purpose?

  11. Hi again, Paul. I can’t believe you remembered something like that from so long ago. I’ll take your concerns to our committee. I suppose it’s a compromise – we’re sacrificing some beauty for more truth. I lost the vote on incorporating the cross into our symbol as well. Group wisdom prevails.

    1. That quote is how I found you and NER.

      I think perhaps you’re making a dichotomy where none exists. The beauty is the truth and it sounds like you’re sacrificing the truth in order to gain acceptance and converts.

  12. By the way, I think you’re right to fight for the cross. Quite apart from the association with Christ, it’s an extraordinarily apposite symbol of the relationship between time and eternity.

  13. Dear Paul, we both lost in the committee, I’m afraid. I bow to group wisdom in this case. All things are becoming new.

  14. What am I missing? Have not 100’s of translations and, per force, interpretations of biblical principles had beneficial effects, despite not being presented in the original Aramaic/Hebrew of the Originator?
    English, Sanskrit, Mandarin makes no difference. What’s most critical is the Intention of the Originator, whether it be Moses, Buddha, Jesus. Gandhi or you.
    Different strokes for different folks is why there are Noahide Laws, 10 Commandments, 613 Precepts of Behavior, Diamond and Heart Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, DoI + Amended Constitution.
    The language is the conveyance; Intention is the cargo for the needful, whether or not they’re now aware.

  15. Yes, Rebecca. You truly have unblemished (wine) skin in the game. Paul’s is simply from another vintage year for others to savor.
    The Savior has both your backs.


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