Who’s going to get the money?
By William Corden
Will we see ANY improvement in our social structure as a result of this fine/settlement?
If the money is ever paid (and I’m sure that some quid pro quo deal will be arranged so that it becomes minimal), but if that money is actually paid where does it go?
Do you think for one moment that it will be earmarked to clean up the tent cities in almost all of our major cities? Do you think for another moment that it will trigger legislation to clean up the mental health act?
Nowadays the media talk about $32Billion as if it were chump change ( and it probably is for the tobacco companies) but it’s a huge amount of money . If that money were husbanded and directed properly the drug and the homeless problem could be brought under control, but there’s no chance that it will be sent to the right place.
It will go into general revenue and the tobacco companies will carry on business as usual without a blip in their operations. They’ll just sell more cigarettes overseas.