Why Does New South Wales, Australia, Have a Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad?

The two little news items – both from February this year – that I am now presenting are dismally typical; I have by now compiled a very large collection of similar stories.  As soon as Australia acquired a large-enough colony of Muslims – originally mainly of Lebanese extraction, the influx beginning in the late 1970s – many of the incomers were soon discovered to be up to their necks in every variety of crime, but with organised crime and drug pushing, production and smuggling particularly favoured.  And so the authorities were forced to create “The Middle Eastern (sic) Organised Crime Squad”… which is run off its feet.  But funnily enough, despite that vague title ‘middle eastern’, one doesn’t see very many Coptic Christians, Maronite Christians, or Assyrian Christians, nor Mandaeans nor Mizrahi Jews, among the many persons that that very busy Squad is continually scooping up and presenting to the courts and the prisons. They all seem to be followers of You-Know-Who, adherents of You-Know-What. 

First, from 12 February, a pair of extortionists from the – heavily-Islamised – region of Western Sydney.


‘Western Sydney Brothers Accused of Using Threats to Extort Thousands of Dollars’.

‘Two western Sydney brothers accused of using threats and force to extort thousands of dollars have been refused bail.

‘Ahmad Abdullah, 25, is accused of holding a Greystanes man against his will and forcing him to withdraw 15,000 dollars from his bank account in October 2013.

‘Abdullah was also accused of using threats to take the man’s mobile phone, a gold ring and necklace, and a wallet.

‘He and his brother, Mohamad Abdullah, 21, were also charged with using menace to extort $2,500 from a man at Guildford over the past 12 months.

The Abdullahs were arrested on Monday afternoon after police shut down western Sydney’s Albert Road at Auburn to search a multi-level family house.

So many of the photos or film footage accompanying news reports about the arrest of Mohammedan criminals reveal that the perps live in very large, plush, well-appointed villas, often with very nice cars parked out the front.  A further observation, for the benefit of our non-Aussie readers: the suburb of Auburn in south-western Sydney is one of the most heavily-Islamised areas of Australia; at the last census it was 42 percent Muslim, and sports a massive mosque.  According to wikipedia, in 2012 “Auburn was identified as the suburb with the highest number of drive-by shooting incidents in the Sydney Region, coming in at 34 incidents in the five years between 2007 and 2012.”   In terms of level of Islamisation it is second only to Lakemba, also in south-west Sydney, which in 2001 was 41 percent Christian and 30 percent Muslim but, just ten years later, was 51 percent Muslim and around 20 percent Christian.  (The Australian Census questions include an option for identifying one’s religious affiliation – or lack thereof; the figures here presented depend on the census results for the relevant suburbs). – CM

‘Ahmad Abdullah is facing five charges, including robbery and demanding property in company with menace, with intent to steal.  Mohamed Abdullah is charged with a single count of demanding property in company with menace, with intent to steal.

‘Both brothers were refused bail when they faced Burwood Local Court today.

‘They are due to face Parramatta Local Court in March”.

It would be interesting to know whether their victims were Infidels or Muslims.  Because although there are Infidel extortionists aplenty, preying upon their own, they cannot claim any religio-cultural justification for their crimes. But when Muslims engage in extortion  – and very often against non-Muslims – there is always in the background the historic fact of the Dhimma system, which is fundamentally about extortion on the grand scale (pay us jizya or we kill you) and the practice of extortion and kidnapping and holding-to-ransom by Mohammed himself. 

And so to our second report, also from 12 February 2016, where no names are named, but the involvement of the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad is enough of a tell-tale.


‘Two Arrested, Charged Over Alleged Sydney Major Cocaine Syndicate After Police Raids.

‘Two people have been arrested in early morning raids after months of Police investigations into an alleged major cocaine syndicate operating across greater Sydney.

‘A 33 year old man and a 23 year old woman were arrested when officers from the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad raided properties at Padstow, Warwick Farm, and Strathfield.

‘The pair have since been charged with multiple drugs and weapons offences, and are due to face court in the coming weeks.

‘Police said they found three children at a property in Padstow, which was owned by the 33 year old man, that was allegedly being used to sell drugs from.  The children are aged between four months and five years.

‘Detective Inspector Jason Weinstein said the syndicate organised drug sales across metropolitan Sydney.

“We will allege in court that the supply of cocaine… were occurring between the areas of Campbelltown, the Sutherland Shire, all the way into the Sydney CBD area.”, he said.  “This syndicate were operating predominantly at the street level of supply.  However, the customer base that they were dealing to was quite substantial…”.

‘Police siad the syndicate relied heavily on encryption technology and multiple mobile phones to evade police…

“Detective Inspector Jason Weinstein said today’s operation follows “extensive investigations that began in August 2015.  “The investigation is still ongoing, and we do certainly expect further arrests to be made”, he said.

‘The Padstow man was charged with two counts of supplying prohibited drug, dealing with the proceeds of crime, possessing a prohibited drug, and possessing a prohibited weapon.

‘He was refused bail and was due to appear at Parramatta Bail Court on Saturday.

‘The 22 year old woman was charged with two counts of supplying a prohibited drug, two counts of possessing a prohibited drug, and dealing with the proceeds of crime.

‘She was granted strict conditional bail to appear at Liverpool Local Court on Wednesday March 16.”

More details appeared in a story in the Sydney Morning Herald on February 14, Ashleigh Tullies reporting.


‘Padstow man accused of supplying cocaine appears in court’.

‘A Padstow man arrested on a charge of supplying cocaine after a series of raids across three Sydney suburbs did not apply for bail on Saturday.

‘Chadi Farhat, 33, was arrested during simultaneous warrants carried out at three Sydney homes on Friday morning.

‘Mr Farhat was arrested at his home and was charged with supplying and possessing illegal drugs and possessing a weapon without a permit.

‘He appeared at Parramatta Bail Court today via audio-visual link.

Mr Farhat’s legal representative Fadi Abbas did not apply for bail on his account and Magistrate Macpherson formally refused it.

‘Mr Abbas said Mr Farhat would apply for bail on Monday February 15 at Bankstown Local Court via audio-visual link.

‘Sergeant Clarke said any offence involving drugs and a weapon were always a concern for the court. “The court will need to consider Mr Farhat’s history along with the current charges”, he said.

Hmm… he has ‘history’.  – CM

‘Detectives from Strike Force Deave – established by State Crime Command’s Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad in August 2015 – were responsible for the early morning raids.

‘During the raid, detectives searched three homes in Padstow, Warwick Farm, and Strathfield in Sydney’s south-west.

They were helped by officers from the public order and riot squad.

Now that’s interesting. Sounds like they expected they might have to deal with the mohammedan insta-mob that so often materialises when infidel law-enforcement enters a mohammedan ‘territory’ and attempts to enforce Infidel law; and so they came prepared, with a show of force.   Well done, NSW police. – CM

‘They seized drugs, cash, an electronic control device, electronic equipment, and other items…”.


Like I said, the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad is kept very busy. – CM



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