Why Does The BBC Want To Imply — Again — An "Anti-Muslim Hate Crime’?


What the BBC leaves out from its “Muslims are worried” (are they really? where is the evidence for this?) account of a shooting in Dallas of a practically just-arrived Iraqi immigrant, is that the killer was one, or more, of a group of four black males, that the shooting was drive-by, and that it took place just outside a famously high-crime apartment building in the most high-crime part of Dallas. And that was it. Such things happen all the time. Apparently, if the victim is a Muslim this will be treated as a “hate crime” by the BBC, and others too, despite the absence of any evidence and considerable evidence to the contrary, until the cows come home. Who at the BBC is doing this? Who has for years been turning the BBC into a Defender of the Faith, that Faith being Islam? Why is there no investigation of this,which includes, but goes far beyond, the steady maligning of Israel?



2 Responses

  1. It’s crowd-control. The BBC desperately dig up as many stories as possible which show Muslims either as victims or as heroes. Sometimes exaggeration or even fabrication are necessary but even with these additions, pickings are thin. This is meant to balance all the Islamic atrocities, wars and crimes which they have to report and which they suspect may drive the outraged populace to ill-considered violent acts (possibly against the BBC and other defenders of mass islamic immigration).

  2. I saw this story a few days ago on CNN and agree that the ‘authorities’ are being very sparse with the. I thought the killers were on foot as there is CCTY footage of them. However, it irritated me that there was no hysterical outburst about ‘hate crime’. It is a very sad story and horrible that a man can’t stand outside his front door without being shot dead for whatever reasons, but if the perpentrators had been white, no doubt there would have been a greater fuss.

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