Why Hasn’t the FDA Recalled the COVID ‘Vaccines’?

Aren’t we supposed to trust the science?

by Armando Simón 

“Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it.”

Recently, a dog food product was recalled because it could make pets sick. A few days prior to that, thyroid medication for humans was also recalled by the FDA because it was subpotent while a blood pressure medication was withdrawn because it contained a cancer-causing impurity. The FDA also recently recalled chocolates because they might contain nuts in them since some people might be allergic to nuts. In the past, thousands of bags of lettuce were recalled because one bag was found to have listeria even though nobody had become sick.

Which begs the question: why haven’t the COVID “vaccines” been recalled?

The above products were recalled because they could  be harmful. The COVID “vaccines” have been conclusively shown to be not only detrimental, but fatal.

They have been linked to the rise in sudden deaths. Otherwise normal, healthy persons have dropped dead, particularly in young athletes. Here are a few instances:

  • A 12 y/o suddenly collapsed and died during football practice.
  • An 18 y/o suddenly died while playing basketball.
  • A 43 y/o died suddenly while playing tennis.
  • A healthy 21 y/o died in his sleep.
  • A 35 y/o coach died in front of his class.
  • An 18 y/o dropped dead from cardiac arrest.
  • A kindergarten girl died
  • An 18 y/o MMA star died for unknown reasons.
  • A 24 y/o flight attendant suddenly collapsed and died.
  • A 9 y/o boy died from a blood clot.

It is very interesting that the main stream media in the English speaking countries has steadfastly refused to publicize these cases of sudden deaths, or even of the studies, which contrasts when, during the height of the COVID hysteria, the media would daily publicize the number of deaths supposedly from the virus, and of the hospital overcrowding, both at the national and local areas. In the UK, activists pasted dozens and dozens of pictures of persons who had suffered debilitating side effects from the COVID injections all along the BBC offices, since the BBC, like its Canadian and American counterparts, are engaging in news blackout on the subject.

Scientific studies

steady torrent of research papers from AmericaCanadaBritainGermanyItalyJapanAustraliaNew Zealand, DenmarkSaudi Arabia, KoreaFrance and Israel published in a plethora of scientific journals have proven the toxicity of the COVID injections—and more papers are being published as we speak. Whether with groups of subjects, (including one study employing 23 million subjects), or in individual case studies, the primary adverse effects have been thrombosis (blood clots), myocarditis,  myopericarditis and pericarditis.

Trust the science.

As if that was not enough, other maladies have unfortunately been linked to the toxic injections. These are strokeBell’s palsy, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, syncope and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome particularly in children but also in adults. What I find particularly curious is the injections seem to stimulate a resurgence of cancers in remission.

I strongly urge the reader to read the published studies in the medical journals.

And trust the science.

On the other hand, others can consult the medical expertise of The New York Times, NBC, CBS, BBC, ABC, CNN, NPR, The Boston Globe and The Washington Post.

But trust the science.

The scientific studies, as well as the warnings from doctors and nurses in clinical practice, have been labeled “misinformation” by journalists, all of whom could not differentiate between an enema and a leukotomy but could probably benefit from both.

And these studies, and the warnings from doctors in clinical practice, were known since two years ago and are continuing even though the media refuses to publicize them. The media carried out a constant campaign—subtle and not so subtle tactics—of demonizing dissenters.

Two additional points need to be made. First, if not everyone who has received the injection has been affected, it is for the same reason not everyone is allergic to penicillin; genetic variability is involved. Second, the COVID injections are not true vaccines; a vaccine is the introduction of an inert form of a pathogen into the body in order to create antibodies; the COVID “vaccines” are  an experimental (i.e., unpredictable) approach called gene therapy, using mRNA.

In spite of the warnings, tremendous social and economic pressure was imposed on persons refusing to submit in order to achieve total, unquestioning, conformity. Many persons lost their jobs, indeed their careers. Many others were denied medical care for other medical conditions because of their refusal to bow to the pressure and accept the toxic injections—and they are still being denied medical care in what is the most disgusting episode of ethical malpractice as to being categorized as downright evil. Those doctors and nurses who sounded the warnings and who prescribed medications that were not officially mandated (and extremely expensive) were demonized and retaliated against in a number of ways. The same occurred to doctors and nurses who gave saline solutions to patients instead of the toxic injections and thereby saved their lives. These doctors are still being persecuted and are being silenced.

And of those patients who were offered, or were given the injections, fully informed consent of recipients was absent, contrary to standard medical practice, even though the dangers were known right after the rollout began.

The sickening irony, of course, is that it has now been shown that (A) the COVID injections do not prevent contagion and even seem to facilitate contagion (B) natural immunity is best for preventing the spread of the virus—as was originally advocated by epidemiologists before being drowned out by hysterics.

So, again: why haven’t the COVID “vaccines” been recalled?

The CDC is recommending children less than a year old receive FOUR COVID injections, the first starting at six months of age.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but continued insistence on injections of these toxic substances, particularly in children, is nothing short of criminal and merits criminal prosecution.

First published in Frontpage.


One Response

  1. Where money is to made
    Despite lives destroyed in trade
    The ignorant innocent’s life will be marked ‘Paid’
    And medical ethics waylaid.

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