Why Hasn’t The West Sent In A Force To Protect Hatra And Other Sites?

How many well-armed American and European troops, with air support, to have surrounded Hatra, or the museum in Mosul, or other sites, and protected them from ruin? How many such troops would it now take to protect the sites in Libya? Forget the Muslims, forget their internecine warfare , and protect the pre-Islamnic sites. For god’s sake, why wasn’t this thought about months ago, why weren’t plans made, why is nothing being done now?

Duty To Protect? Yes, a Duty To Protect monuments, artifacts, art works. That’s the Duty To Protect. American troops ought to have surrounded, and protected, the Bamiyan Buddhas. Why didn’t they? Think of the gratitude from people in China, Korea, Japan. My god, what a lost opportunity, in every sense.

And what will happen tomorrow, or the day after, in Libya? Can you guess?

Read here.


2 Responses

  1. i just clicked on the link, and read the “Guardian” article. Accompanied by 7 pages of Comments. So I read the Comments. Fascinating. The whatabouters and the Defenders of Islam – whether Muslims in masks (there were no avowedly Muslim noms de plume, nor anyone explicitly identifying him or herself as Muslim) or deluded dhimmis – were out in force, peddling the usual got-by-rote and boringly-predictable deflections, distractions, taqiyya and tu quoque; but they were being repeatedly, determinedly slapped down by intelligent people who had done their homework. And then some. People who had read Emmet Scott, and were citing him. People who had read the Quran. People who had investigated the Hadiths, and found out what Islam says about statues and what is to be done with them. And they were citing chapter and verse, giving links and references.

  2. I worry for the Sphinx and pyramids. Not at present under Sisi of course, but the Al-Sisis’s of the world come and go; Islam is forever.

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