Why Won’t Pamela Geller Behave?

by Lorna Salzman (June 2015)

Thought Precedes Action. Sometimes it is just speculation or daydreaming or what precedes a work of fiction, a conversation or mere opinion. It is a fundamental characteristic of the human species. Those who would ban the expression of “hurtful,” disrespectful, controversial or dissenting views are those who believe in Thought Control. Like pornography, defamation is in the eyes of the beholder.  more>>>


4 Responses

  1. Prior to 9/11 there was little reason for most Western people to take a close look at Islam. The reality of Islam was only a distant shadow in a gray world.

    But 9/11 changed that.

    Many in the West began to study the social system called Islam in an effort to understand why 19 young men would think it was in their best interests to do what they did.

    Many of us who have looked at Isam with an open mind have found pathetic, hateful, social system based on a claim of religious legitimacy. To make matters worse, this Islamic social system creates murderous monsters who strive to subdue the world.

    Liberals’ multicultural straightjacket precludes realistic investigation into the horror of Islam.

    My God, liberal women can’t even condemn the burka or female genital mutilation.

    The big question is; will liberal refusal to open discussion about Islam turn Western society into another Lebanon. God help us all.

  2. I agree with most of your article but we must be against all who adhere to Islam, the doctrine of Satan. We fought Nazis not Naziism.

  3. Good get, Lorna. I believe Ms. Geller is in the cross hairs because she refuses to buy into the moral equivalence nonsense. C.S. Lewis put it best: if all belief systems are equal then there is no reason to prefer the civilized to the barbarian.

  4. “Islamophobia is a normal human response to religious authoriitarianism, …”

    Islamophobia means IRRATIONAL fear of Islam.

    Islammetusia means the RATIONAL fear of Islam [Latin: metus meanibg rational fear].

    Why continue using the enemy’s obfuscating term? There are excellent reasons for fearing Islam’s codes and conduct — millions raped, maimed, murdered in its name and defame.

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