Woman Fired From Belks and Banned from Mall for Criticising Islam

This is the kind of case the ACLU should take, but we all know they won’t. CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee(WDEF)

A Chattanooga woman with strong views about Islam finds herself out of a job and banned from Northgate Mall.

Heidi Grubbs was gainfully employed at the Belk department store inside Northgate Mall until a customer overheard her conversation about domestic terrorist Mohammad Abdulazeez, the shooter who killed five servicemen in Chattanooga last month.

“I made a comment specifically towards the terrorist Mohammad and his family by stating that he was a piece of sh** scum  and his family was too for killing our men. And then I was fired because I refused to apologize for it,” Grubbs said.

But losing her job wasn’t the only thing she was faced with.

“Two officers in the loss prevention office told me I was to be banned from all properties of CBL because of a sign that I have on my car.”

The sign is an anti-Islamic message that she proudly stuck on her window.

“The original sign on my car states that I will sh** on your Koran; I’ll spit in the face of your Mohammad; and that Islam is a lie.”

In a previous interview with Examiner.com Writer Joe Newby, Grubbs said she has been very outspoken about Islam since moving to Chattanooga from Memphis. “What happened to our soldiers” is more offensive than anything she might have written on paper, she added.

A CBL executive told News 12 that Grubbs was banned because she violated the mall code of conduct.

“It’s more to do with the vulgar language that was used. It’s not anything to do with her personal beliefs,” said CBL Marketing Director Catherine Wells.

Grubbs was forced to sign a legal documents that solidified her being banned from all CBL properties for one year. And now she is threatening to take civil action because she feels her freedom or speech and expression has been violated.

“As a whole, we should unite to protect our freedoms in America, our constitution and rights of speech. And that’s what I’m doing,” Grubbs said.

News 12 contacted the ACLU office in Nashville to see if rules that govern private property supersede freedom of speech and expression, but no one was available for comment.


One Response

  1. So she had on her car a sign that said, “I will sh*t on your Islam, I will spit in the face of your Mohammad; Islam is a lie.”

    No worse than what the famous NY ‘beat’ poet Allen Ginsburg once said to a Muslim cabbie in NYC not long after the issuing of the Fatwa, or Hit order, against Salman Rushdie.

    It’s related here, by one Mark Goldblatt, in an article entitled “The Poet Versus the Prophet: Standing up to Totalitarian Islam”.


    Published in ‘Reason” online, in 2010, not long after the failed jihad mass murder attempt in Times Square.

    Anyway, here’s the story about Ginsberg, as Goldblatt heard it at Ginsberg’s funeral.
    “…the gist of the story was as follows: Soon after news of the fatwa broke, Ginsberg and his assistant climbed into the back seat of a taxi in Manhattan.
    “After a glance at the cab driver’s name, Ginsberg politely inquired if he was a Muslim.
    “When the cabbie replied that he was, Ginsberg asked him what he thought about the death sentence on Rushdie.
    “The cabbie answered that he thought that Rushdie’s book was disrespectful of Islam, and that the Ayatollah had every right to do what he had done.
    “At this point, according to his assistant [who had witnessed the conversation and, presumably, was describing it at the funeral as part of the eulogy – CM] Ginsberg, one of the gentlest men ever to walk the planet, flew into a rage, screaming at the cabbie as he continued to drive:
    ‘Then I shit on your religion! Do you hear me? I shit on Islam! I shit on Mohammed! Do you hear? I shit on Mohammed!”
    “Ginsberg demanded that the cabbie pull over.
    “The cabbie complied, and, without paying the fare, Ginsberg and his assistant climbed out.
    “He was still screaming at the cabbie as the car drove off.”

    So there you have it. What Ginsberg said to that cabbie, in response to the cabbie’s expressed approval of the death fatwa declared upon Salman Rushdie, is pretty much on a par with what this patriotic American had on her car, in response to the Muslim ambush and murder of unarmed American soldiers, in Chattanooga.

    Ginsberg was, rightly, enraged by Muslim gang bosses’ mafioso-style authorisation of ‘hits’ upon people in other countries for daring to criticise or make fun of islam, and by the Muslim attempt to suppress freedom of speech; Heidi Grubbs is rightly angered by the murderousness of the Muslim Fifth Columnists.

    Pol Pot did not deserve respect; the Mafia do not and did not deserve respect; the Thuggee cult did not deserve respect; the Aztec human sacrifice system was an abomination; and Islam, whose mainstream orthodox teachings authorise, inter alia, assassination ‘hits’ on apostates and on anyone in the world who dares to criticise or question it, the cruelly oppressive extortion racket that is the ‘Dhimma’ system, slavery (including sex slavery of little girls, with pious jihadis openly declaring that the rape of terrified children is a means of drawing near to ‘allah’), and ritualised mass-murder of non-adherents, does not deserve respect and nobody should be forced to show it respect.

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