Women Mistreated Horribly In Islam

by John Constantine

In Islam women serve three functions. They serve as baby factories in the perpetual population explosion better known as Islam. The average number of children per Muslim wife is 6.50. When a Muslim male can have four wives, or if he divorces one of his wives, even more, then you have some serious reproduction going on. The late Osama bin Laden was one of 57 children. Bin Laden, himself, had a mere 29 children. In two generations the bin Ladens produced 86 children.

Secondly, women exist to provide unlimited sexual gratification for their husband. Women cannot refuse sex to their husband. The “Honey, I’ve got a headache tonight” line does not work in Islam. Also, husbands can legally under Sharia law have sex slaves plus temporary marriages as short as one night.

Thirdly, Islam treats women as property devoid of humanity. It is estimated that only about 60% of Muslim women are literate. Indeed, only about 50% of Muslim men can read. Women in Islam rarely receive an opportunity for an education. This is one of the reasons that Islamic societies are so backward and poverty stricken.

One key to winning the War on Terror is to find some way to unlock the potential of women and let them truly become educated productive members of a healthy vibrant society. If American women were treated like Islamic women the results would be catastrophic. Gross National Product would drop by 50%. Suddenly there would be crippling shortages of teachers, doctors, lawyers, and especially nurses. In short, our society would cease to function. In ten years we would look like, well, the Middle East.

This is what happens when you throw away half the intellectual capital of a country.


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