You Tube is now worse than the networks

By William Corden

Recently our competition eating, cash devouring, stadium naming, cable company replaced the old co-ax cable box with another magic contraption that gives us so called “apps”  you can watch directly on your TV.

Of course they charge us more for it, as they are allowed to do, due to a little technicality in the VERY small print of your contract.

Anyways they now give you outlets like; You Tube, Disney, Apple and many others.

This on top of the now unwatchable network crap that’s streamed daily into our lives (and I give PBS and Knowledge network a pass on this). The apps give you the option of signing up for a monthly fee but heaven help you if, like me,  you’re too cheap to pay, ‘cos the ads are more frequent and interminable than the networks and they are tailored to your specific internet browsing habits.

The movie streaming channels now charge you a fee if you want to watch anything decent, any other garbage movies are free for the asking.

With the ads that they show, I think I’ve now got every ailment that it’s possible to have and still be alive.😊

On YouTube in particular there’s a limitless number of morons who think that just because they’ve got a “go pro” camera, they can stream endless garbage across the spectrum.

It used to be that you could rely on say, a wildlife documentary, to be worth your time but now there’s a 90% chance that it’s done by two guys in a jeep making smart-alec comments as they buffoon their way along. Same with historical profiles and especially podcasts, there’s no content checks and balances unless they’re done by a reputable agency. The ads come on at unpredictable moments, invariably in the middle of  key emotional scenes.

It’s so obvious that there’s no production structure to most of the millions upon millions of offerings, no directorial overview, no script reviews or editing process and, worse still, the narrators are quite often only semi-literate. In one I was watching the other night about the “Everly Brothers ” the narrator described one of their albums as “Live in Paris”, as in “I live in Paris” , rather than  “Live! in Paris”  just pathetic, and an insult to their legacy.

And so instead of making my life more pleasurable with the nimiety of choices the new box gives me, I am reluctant to even turn the TV on out of frustration for the lack of quality content. One shimmering star in the firmament though is today’s PBS offering of “Great Performances” featuring the 80th anniversary of the songs of Rodgers and Hammerstein, that show’s on a pedestal that very few can even get close to.

Watch it and you’ll be in raptures .



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